Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Blog Post

In chapter five, the author discusses the rate of development of China and India and the role U.S. steel has played on that development. China imports more steel than India because it is easier for the United States to ship the goods at a lower transportation cost. India, however, is a farther trip and has more transportation costs. In addition, China has historically been a key trade partner of the United States and has had a greater industrial presence in the global economy than India. India does not have the same resources as China and its location could have played a role in its slower development. This is similar to "Why did Human History Unfold Differently On Different Continents the For the Last 13000 Years." China continues to have the greater means to develop than India has. The resources, climate, and geography in China have contributed to its success. India is located in the middle of Asia and before the development of modern transportation, it was very difficult to import goods from countries such as the United States. Without access to steel from the United States, industrializing and the development that results was more challenging.

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